Articles hipnotisme

For those who want to know the BIG SECRET and want to master the science of hypnotism, Kontakisme, Magnetisme, and the science of martial Reflex (automatic ) with ease and no effort please Click here (FREE)

Bagi yang ingin tahu RAHASIA BESAR dan ingin menguasai ilmu Hipnotisme, Kontakisme, Magnetisme, dan ilmu beladiri Reflex (otomatis) dengan mudah dan tanpa bersusah payah silahkan Klik di sini ( GRATIS )


Revealing SCIENCE
Hypnotism, Kontakisme, Magnetism and Reflex Martial Sciences

Often we come across on the television screen a master hypnotist (Romy Ravel) perform a variety of hypnotism performances. For those who do not understand about hypnosis is all the performances were incredible. but the fact that hypnosis is a common science and everyone can do except they do not get to do things that are considered extraordinary.

Hypnotism is one part of some supernatural science that comes from within every human soul. In ancient times the science is known by the name of magic or sorcery, because the power that can make people forget the memories, falling asleep with the single word "sleep" then the target will fall asleep to forget everything. put to sleep with hypnosis is more terrible than the science of mega nanda aji quiet. for those who have a basic knowledge hypnosis with thin then faith will destroy the life and disrupt the balance of nature. I hope with my explanation of this the reader does not use it for a crime but I hope to be able to cope with crime low hypnotic users of mental and moral, at least to fortify themselves from various crimes that use hypnotism. know that learning science hypnotism with my technique is not so difficult, the reader is only required to read and understand the concept alone. after that 100% guaranteed to be put into practice immediately. after mastering the science of the readers please do not use it for the good of all - time used for evil. Remember the reward from Allah SWT, will be used to reward good and if used for evil will get Sin.

Stoop! Do not spread this knowledge to the people of low moral because it would create havoc for mankind and destroy the balance of Nature. I explained that hypnosis was not only affect the personal lives of human beings but also affects the state of nature. nature will become uncontrollable climate balance caused by hypnosis actors who want to profit themselves and did not think the community at large.

Once again I am writing this solely because it wanted to reduce crime victims hypnotism users detrimental to society. I often hear people mentally weak are always the victim of hypnosis artisans on the outskirts of the road. Hopefully with this information I can help them to protect themselves from crime.

I have said before that science hypnotism is one of several scientific spirit, here I will explain the 4 science is closely related to hypnotism. Chem They are namely:

1 Hypnotism. 2 Kontakisme. 3 Magnetism. 4 Reflex Martial Sciences

1. Hypnotism
Hypnotism comes from hipnosa, the Greek which means sleep. sleep sleep here in the physical sense but more in the inner life. someone who studied hypnosis that he learned about the soul to fall asleep in the master. field of hypnosis can be divided into 4 parts. namely:

* Hypnosis to education:
namely hypnosis in its use for education. mentally weak child, his mind less intelligent, less sharp memory, had a bad attitude, timid or another, then hypnosis can to overcome the above problems. children are forgetful and less sharp memory with hypnosis so he could build intelligence and memory that can be smart and sharp memory. children who have a bad habit can be changed for the better character and pious, children or people who have a timid soul, can be mentally constructed so as to have a stronger mentality and have a brave soul and many more functions.

* Hypnosis for Medicine:
hypnotism can be used to treat various diseases either born diseases and mental illness. hypnosis was very magical, just with simple words that you say you will be able to treat various illnesses suffered by patients.

* Hypnosis to show:
Hypnotism can also be to display a variety of sensational performances and tense. people could walk on hot coals without fear of fire, run over by a car, eating glass, needles pierced hands without pain and others.

* Hypnosis to generate power in:
More broadly to hypnotism can also generate energy in a person. with hypnotism so someone can be resurrected labor force is it that people can master the science of energy in a much easier and faster. many people gather strength in the energy for various purposes with a relatively long time for years. but with hypnotism or the collection of energy generation in power can be achieved with very short can be said stu-month to one day. people who are already familiar with hypnosis then it will be more easily raised various kinds of science there is in him. such knowledge can be raised Trawangan (see through without borders / know something already, or that has not happened), meraga soul / soul release from the body, body strength, power punches and so on.

Very dangerous if the science of hypnosis is controlled by the low moral and faith because it would thin disastrous for others and destroying the life. actual session is psychologically very high, working through the subconscious is very deep and moving the physical body condition. person if it has been exposed to hypnosis it will lose control of his mind and moved to the hypnotist that can also be said that people who have been hit by hypnosis to lose his reason. Keep in mind that to be retained or practice everything we explained above, the reader must first master the science hypnosis, only then can practice the things we mentioned above.

2. Magnetism
Science is the science of soul magnetism that rogue use a magnetic force that is in our souls. magnetism is almost similar to hypnotism. If hypnotism is the inner strength to walk with a command or something, but if the magnetism is the inner strength that runs through the body or an intermediary. actual magnetic force existing in every human beings from birth, but this power can not be directly we use, need to be raised first. if this power has risen so much that can be done with the power of this magnetism. the flow of magnetic energy, people will be able to cure various diseases with just a touch of the hand or white water, is also able to increase the power of the weak to become healthier as a motion sickness, low birth, poisoning and others. energies of magnetism can be inserted into the body of another person or a variety of inanimate objects (agate, precious stones, heritage objects, etc.) for specific purposes such as for passion, fence body, fence, bringing buyers and others. all kinds of thoughts will be published on magnetism vibrations and the vibrations that we can enter into an inanimate object or another person's body for the various needs depending on the owner.

cerebration rizki pleaded to God can we tap on this magnetism vibrations and these vibrations we have entered into an object that contains this object of our petition to the Almighty God and our thoughts will contain strong. vibration was going to circulate at all times in all directions and finally into thoughts of others who passed the energy field. after entry into the minds of others will affect the vibration of the mind the way in accordance with the will to fill it. everything happens remains to Allah's will but by the causes. this is the same as if we affect someone Lesan in offering our merchandise to someone else so he would buy it. We remark at first into the ear and then sent to the brain / mind to understand and then forwarded to the heart and in my heart accepted this decision whether or not an offer then the heart moves the physical body to manifest the action to accept or reject. difference between energy supply by using magnetism is that we only use the minds that can not be heard by the ear, but went straight into their hearts and continue as above. Above 2 techniques actually have the same effect but which influence the success of these causes is the power press and mentally capable of suppressing the object. required here is the high power of mind mind power can suppress the object so that he does not deny our will power. for those who think, one example can be used to develop the science of magnetism with a variety of purposes, the important thing we have to limit the use in accordance with Islamic rules. magnetism is very much function, if a person fully understand the magnetism so many things that can be done with this energy. dangerous if the magnetism is used to exceed the limits of humanity, remember the reward from Allah SWT. PSTD.K guiding the use of science for use in accordance with the moral Akhlaq and civilized humanity that can be utilized optimally and do not endanger yourself or others.

A great science that can be used for direct inner contact so as to affect the state of mind in lahiriyah through a fully conscious state. kontakisme is psychologically based on the technical magic that can be used to attract or encourage people to fall from a great distance in a fully conscious state without the need for emotional technique. can make the hands, feet or body of another person becomes stiff like a statue that can not be moved. making other people's body clung to the wall can not move, making a high-energy bamboo up among 10 people who held the bamboo was not able to stop the movement of the bamboo or bamboo also called mad and many more miracles of this science. Kontakisme almost like hypnotism. if hypnotism affect a person unconscious, but if someone kontakisme affect conscious management. a lot of magic that can be generated by this science, but I can not mention one by one in connection with my limited time.

4. Reflex MARTIAL
Martial reflex is a martial art that uses the power of an existing reflex in every man. In particular theory, the reflex motion only in passing be utilized for long motor reflex motion generally is a short motion unconscious. I used chisel motion into a long motion mind will follow. Reflex is a movement arising from the top of one's ability. If a person with perfect control of reflex, then he will be able to do outside of rationality that is hard to follow by reason outside. Only those who master the science of the soul and mind are capable marifat digest / understand these extraordinary events. I cajole the use of motion reflexes to be a long motion and continued continued. with specific techniques unconscious motion that can function as an automatic self-defense. arms, legs, body and all the other members of the body is always moving by itself to form a sentence - a sentence that regular martial arts stance and terrible.

Full description of how to master all the knowledge the above, please wait for the next post. if you can not or will not wait, please send an e-mail to pstd.master @ Insha Allah I will be happy to reply.

Thank you for your visit

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